Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bad January

I haven't been doing as well as I should be with the whole diet/ exercise lately.

Angry kitty is mad at me for it.

(photo of my former cat, Lizzy. Miss her; she was such a character)

My Top January Excuses:

1. The junk food is just too easy to make, healthy food takes too long.

It's a difference of - what? - 10  minutes? between throwing an unhealthy frozen dinner in the microwave & cutting up veggies for a salad, but I've let my impatient self make the choice for me

2. I'm too tired/ I'd rather spend what little free time I have in the evening relaxing

This one always gets me. It's pathetic, really. I know that working out can actually give me more energy. It's only 30 minutes out of the 3 hours I have between work & bed. Working out helps me sleep deeper, too. Yet I've used this one a lot. 

3. I'd rather spend the time with my husband instead of by myself working out.

Here I'm doing a discredit for my husband. For starters, the time we 'spend' together is typically me on my computer playing games & him on the couch in the same room. Some quality time. I also refer to the thought I've mentioned in previous posts that healthy decisions are contagious. He's been slacking as much as I've been with working out. If I stuck to this more, maybe it would motivate him again.

4. I'll rest up today & do it tomorrow.

This is my top weekend excuse. I had a hard work week, or so I tell myself, and deserve a day to recoup. Most weekends I can convince myself to work out at least 1 day. Last weekend was the 1st weekend in about 8 weeks that I didn't work out at all.

This is a downward slope I do not want to be on! I want to be healthy! I want to be fit!

My Weekend Turn-Around:

I didn't really want to, I didn't really feel like it, but yesterday in the late morning I got back into my exercise room (IE: the extra bedroom for guests we never have, which I've taken over).

Pause: Let me add how pathetic I think I am that I am STILL using the first 3 DVD's from 'Week's 1 and 2". I started this workout 3 months ago. This is a 90 day program- I should be DONE by now. I don't feel I'm strong enough to progress yet, and I haven't been doing it constantly enough to get strong enough to progress. Sad, sad, sad.

As I began my workout, I could feel muscles waking up that I don't think I've used since I last used this DVD (err.. 2 weeks ago or so?). So I started coaching to myself.- that's a pretty way for saying I was talking to myself.

"Good Morning body! Time to wake up!"
"No, you're not quitting. Yes, this is getting annoying and a little boring, but you need this!"
"Crap, why did Jillian have to say we're halfway there like it's a good thing? I want to be done and she's reminding me I'm only halfway there?! Ignore that, I know you have more energy. Just keep moving."
"Lift leg! Damnit, I said LIFT!"
:::finally, at the end:::
"Ha-Ha, Jillian! I can stretch more than you! I can touch my nose to my knee! - Ouch, ok, maybe I shouldn't push it that far yet."

Jillian Michaels and Tracy Anderson both talk in their DVD's about feeling energy push through the ends of your feet and hands. Tracy Anderson compares it to the movement ballet dancers have, where every movement is so controlled and has so much energy to it. What I like about this comparison is 1.) What little girl doesn't dream of being a ballet dancer?, and 2.) What woman doesn't want to be as graceful as a ballet dancer? Lucky for me- no mirrors in my spare room so I can pretend I am. It does help summon energy.

February, maybe you'll have better luck. I'm doing better already, but it's only day 1 so I'm not going to celebrate yet. 

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