Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Holiday Two-Step

One step forward, one step back, turn, one step forward, one step back...

This pretty much sums up the last 2 weeks of diet and exercise for me. I am determined not to give up all-together. But gosh, how can I resist the sweets sent 2,000 miles from home? Moderation, my usual constant quoted word, was not in my vocabulary this past week. 

This really is a partner dance. My "I don't care, it's the holidays!" attitude rubbed off on my husband, who had just begun some great progress on his own diet fight. 

He came down the stairs yesterday with a depressed look on his face.
"What's wrong, honey?" I asked.
"I'm officially at 200." His voice full of frustration and sadness.
"Wait, I thought you were at that a few weeks ago."
"Well, it was actually 198, but then I lost 5 pounds. Now I've gained them back, and 2 more to spare."

I tried to console him by reminding him he ate not too long ago, and most people fluctuate about 5 pounds throughout the day. It fell on deaf ears. He's depressed, and results of weight loss are the only thing that will bring my cheerful husband back. 

With a sigh, I have renewed my determination to diet and work out. For myself, and for my husband. Good decisions are contagious. I work out, I want to eat healthy. I see him eat healthy, I want to join him.  I have to join him. Enough of his life is frustrating. At least this is something I can help control.

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