Wednesday, August 12, 2015


IIII loost a pooooound! III looost a poooouuund!

Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen. But why I am celebrating this, when we tend to range 3-5 pounds at any given point in one day?

Because I have reduced my calorie intake (compared to my daily levels of activity) to -3593! It is -3500 calories. I got on the scale and it gave me a lovely number I haven't seen in quite some time! That number is likely my "low" range, but I don't care! I still got to see that number!

Damn. Do you know what this means?

They.Were.Right. And I kind of hate them for it.

That's right folks. It's all about the veggies and not the fried food.

Who woulda guessed it? (ya know, BESIDES all those 'diet' obsessed folks)

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