Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Stupid Life; off the wagon again.

I'm a bit upset with myself, but I had to choose. I was losing sleep and starting to feel a little worn thin because of everything going on in my life. Exercise & calorie counting are time consuming, and they're not an urgent importance. Getting my life in move preparation order is my priority, and making sure I don't fall ill while doing it: those are my priorities.

So I'm off the wagon. again. Sigh. But not terribly surprised. I knew it would be difficult as time drew nearer to both keep my fitness/ healthy living goals AND deal with everything else life hands you. That's why so many people fall victim to the fast food lifestyle- it's so easily, readily there for you. The difference between them and me, though, is that I am still trying to keep it in the back of my mind. I'm stumbling, but i'm not forgetting. I'm eating more calories than I should, but I'm making sure some of what I eat is green. 

But that pound I lost, Oh I found it again and it's brother. In two short weeks. *sigh*. Stupid me.

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