Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Week of Exhaustion

It's Wednesday, but it truly feels like it should be Friday. Not just for me, I've done a "poll" of sorts (chatting with my colleagues & bringing it up) and the results are clear- it should be Friday.

Sunday I got call caught up in a book and stayed up way too late reading it. My insomnia kicked in because the book stimulated my mind, further interrupting what little sleep I could get Monday, so I skipped Monday's workout. Bad.

Well, maybe not bad after all, because I think I've discovered something...

My energy level throughout my day Monday VS Tuesday and (so far) today is totally different, and not in a good "I'm energized from working out" sense. Something's wrong. Of course, I turn to the internet yet again, being careful to examine what sources and information is credible (versus opinions).

I believe my problem, once again, is coming down to my diet. Specifically it's my post-workout diet. This may also go into my slow muscle strength progression, which I don't believe is what it should be for week 5 of my workout plan. I'm not eating the right foods to help fuel my body for strength and re-energize. Really all I'm giving myself is a little sugar buzz and protein from my protein shakes which contain not much else. My research (thank you school for continuing to give me access to the library & sports medicine articles) indicates I need more carbs in a big way to help with that energy level, and I need to eat them within an hour of working out.

Today I'll be seeking out solutions for small but good carbs that are easy to incorporate (beyond oatmeal, which gives me gas *eep!*). I'll begin it tomorrow, and cross my fingers that the results are right away!

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