Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Husband Passed Weigh-Ins!

I'm so proud of my husband! And a little shocked he managed to put off his nightly ice cream this long (with a few cheater days between). Several months, after several months of eating a pint every night!
As for me, I continue to backslide. Though it's only been 4 days since I stopped counting calories, Monday's measurements indicated I gained a half inch on waist, thighs, and hips compared to the week prior, though my weight has remained the same. I read toning should slim even though weight remains the same, not gain inches. Not sure what's going on, except it's depressing. I'm trying to ignore my results for now and focus on my husband's success instead, and telling myself it was never about me anyway (though not really believing it).
Monday began Week 4 of my T25- Body Revolution Mash-up. 
Week 1
Body Rev. DVD 1
Body Rev. DVD 2
T25 Cardio
Body Rev. DVD 1
Body Rev. DVD 2
T25 Speed 1.0 + 30 minute jogging
Week 2
Body Rev. DVD 1
T25 Cardio
T25 Total Body
Body Rev. DVD 2
T25 Lower Body + T25 ABS
1 hour jogging
Week 3
Body Rev. DVD 1
Body Rev. DVD 2
T25 Cardio
Body Rev.  DVD 1
Body Rev. DVD 2
40 minute jogging
Week 4
Body Rev. DVD 3
Body Rev. DVD 4
T25 Speed 1.0
Body Rev. DVD 3
Body Rev. DVD 4 + 1 T25 Program
Jogging time TBD
I chose my T25 workouts based upon how I feel before I begin them. I'm incredibly sore today from the upgraded progression of Body Revolution. The moment I woke up I knew T25's Speed 1.0, which  incorporates stretching, would be my workout. Friday afternoon's T25 choice isn't made yet, facor depending on how sore I am. Yet another reason why I think this is the perfect complimentary programs; flexibility to rest muscle areas of my choosing, not some Weight Lost Program Guide, while still getting a good workout. Total Body workout is Friday's goal, but since I've kicked up gears on Body Revolution I might wimp out into one of the physically easier programs like Cardio.
I DID have some progress today with fitness today, so I guess I can't say all I'm seeing is failure. My previous experience in any of the T25 workouts is spending 2/3rd's of the time following the standard program and 1/3rd of the time following "Tanya", the modifier. Today I spent only a very small amount of time with Tanya near the end to catch my breath, than continued the push with the standard program. Kind of feel like a bad-ass for it. It's a very good feeling.
I'm not counting calories, but I am still trying to keep a healthy frame of mind.  I'm listening to my stomach, stopping when I'm full, delaying snacking until I'm certain it's hunger and not boredom, and keeping what I do consume as healthy as I can. In theory, anyway. Ok, last night's dinner wasn't so great, but hey I did great for every meal/ snack up until then.
And today's a new day!

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