Friday, July 10, 2015

What Healthy?

Oh I have fallen. Oh lordy, I have fallen.

It started with a dental issue. I'm having two root canals done at the same time, both on opposite sides of my mouth. While they wait to get capped, and it's filled with temp. filling, I cannot chew anything crunchy. I underestimated Doritos fitting in this category two days after I had the procedure done and lost one of the fillings. Another temp. filling put in, I'm not making that mistake. But the problem is all the healthy food I eat (salads surprisingly need your molars for serious chewing) fit into this category. Hello excuse to eat junk food!

Then there's my excuse for exercise. I have a pinched nerve under my shoulder that occasionally flares up. Boy is it angry with me. Moving my left arm, which of course is my dominant hand, has been an experience of various levels of pain the last few weeks. I have to be very cautious with it while the muscle calms down. Thankfully another week, maybe two, and that darn muscle should have relaxed again.

But oh lord, what does this mean for my poor scale & self esteem? One's going up and one's going down; I'll leave you to guess which one is which. I'll give you a hint: I feel like a hippo.

So. Fitness Megan is fatness Megan. Joy. 

Oh, and to top it off, I'm almost up to smoking a pack and a half a day now.

Wow, have I fallen. Where did I put that darn motivation? The stuff that makes me feel good and whole and gets me on the right track. Must go find it!

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