Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wrapping Up Monthly Challenge Early

We edge to month end and I  feel it's a good time to wrap the challegne up. Weekends were my killer; I could not control my cravings. As of this morning I have actually gained 2 pounds.

To review the goals I set at March End:

Goal #1: Progress the Workout Goal: WIN

I did pretty darn good with the workout phase. The last 3 weeks have been great in terms of workout, especially since introducing the mash-up of T25 and Body Revolution. I worked out twice on Friday (once in AM, once after work) and did an hour jog for 5 miles Saturday. Though this isn't terribly surprising for me; working out has never been a huge motivation challenge. It's a win and I'll take it.

Goal #2: Continue daily goal of reducing cigarettes: FAIL

This past weekend wasn't a total loss. I have been almost hitting a pack and a half a day (about 25-30 cigarettes), but this weekend I kept it at a pack even each day. It's a win-ish but not really. It's still pretty horrific. Definitely a goal I'll have to continue focus on a daily basis.

Goal #3: Continue calorie reduction between 1200 and 1500: FAIL

Oh Dear God, did I fail on weekends on this. And really not so great on weekdays. I had 1 really good 5 day streak in the month, but otherwise tanked this.

Goal #4: Continue goal of working more greens into diet: WIN

For all my calorie failing, there was an improvement in what it specifically I'm eating. I passed up several opportunities for eating processed sweets and opted for fruits or veggies instead. Instead of snacking on fruit snacks and bite sized kit-kats I've been eating celery and carrots, and actually enjoying it. 

Goal #5: begin stretching at work (modified to simply move around) every 2 hours: Partial Win

I did incorporate this often, but there were some days where I got caught up on projects and simply forgot. Room for improvement, but effort was still placed it.

2.5 in the Win, 2.5 in the Fail category. 
Must Keep Trying

I enjoyed this challenge, though I did beat myself up quite a bit for all my failures. Yet what good was that wasted frustrated energy if I didn't listen to my own lectures? Shameful; I know better!

...and yet...

Today I ate a doughnut even though I had oatmeal for breakfast. It was so good! But was it worth it?  I can reduce the amount of lunch and dinner I have to balance out that doughnut, but I know that's never going to happen.

My problem is I like feeling full, and I just don't feel quite that "full" sensation by eating veggies alone. Maybe it's a false feeling brought on by carbs, but it's the feeling that allows me to control and stop eating willingly without struggle, where as the more 'stuffed, but not quite full' feeling I get from veggies has me eyeballing the fridge 20 minutes later.

It's a continued work in progress, I guess. I'm going to continue the same goals for May. Despite my struggles and suffering, I have enjoyed this experiment. How long an I keep it going, and can I do better?

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