Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Calorie Battle

I just love this photo, don't you? It perfectly expresses how I am handling my calorie battle.

Let's review this photo. The woman is smiling while boxing.


Have you ever done a serious workout? I have. Much like there is no crying in baseball, there is no smiling while working out!

This woman's attitude is oozing out of the photo: "Let me lightly touch this base here in preparation for the camera".

A serious workout requires 1 thing: WORK! It is not happening here.

Equally is my calorie fight not happening with me, not really. 

I'm a HUGE fan of, as I've mentioned before. The loading of their ads when you track your nutrition information bug me a little, but you will not find a better site to help track and customize your food and exercise- I have done the research. Plus it's all 100% free. For this I will put up with the annoying ads.

One of the many amazing features of SparkPeople is the report ability from the information you enter. I check the Daily Calorie Differential each day to compare my burned calories versus my consumed and periodically review my Daily Feedback. Today I examined my SparkSummary calendar. The truth is grim.

Of the 22 days completed in April, I have only hit my calorie goal 9 times, or 41% of the month.

60% of the month of April I have eaten more calories than I burned. 

It's painfully obvious why I'm not having results.

I don't want to admit the truth, though. I have been working very hard to control my portions and make sure what I'm eating is good for me, not just what my taste buds want. I've had 3 days where I admit I fully fell off the wagon, but otherwise I have been really good. And yet I'm still going over what I need to be.

It gives me admiration for those who are fit and trim. How the hell do they do it? The amount of will power they have astounds me. Then again, they likely do not have the picky taste buds I do to give them more variety in their diet than I have. Still, the restrictions they have to put on themselves to be the way they are are obviously more than I can do.

April's not done yet, though. Maybe I can finish strong. 

If nothing else, it gives me new goals for May.

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