Friday, April 17, 2015

New to the Routine: Speed Walking

I'm a woman on a mission, a mission to Eat More Food, Guilt Free!

Yesterday I struggled with maintaining my new amount of breakfast and lunch and small snack. It was mid-day and I was still hungry. This would mean a bigger dinner than I could afford. I'd eat extra calories and deal with the guilt, but have a satisfied tummy. How do I appease both desires?

Then a lightbulb went off! Go for a brisk walk, you dolt! Stretch out those stiff muscles and burn some extra calories!

When I arrived home I instantly got on work-out gear, strapped on my headphones, launched Pandora and RunKeeper, and hit the streets like I meant business. I cranked up the pace. This was no leisure walk; I was one step away from jog. I ended my walk with an average pace of 14.30 minutes a mile, a speed I'm pretty darn proud of (but will try to beat).

I loved it. I had to stop myself from outright dancing along to my upbeat music (which helped keep my pace), got some nice fresh air, and warmed up the my stiff muscles. It was actually the first time in the entire day my legs were no longer feeling stiff. 

My Reward: I got to have another slice of pizza with dinner and still was well within my calorie range!

Not sure if it's going to be an every day thing, since the compromise is a loss of evening R&R time, but it's definitely something I'm going to start incorporating more!

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