Wednesday, March 18, 2015

T25 World

My husband is still on his attempt to workout, which seems to go in spurts of 2-3 days 1 week, then 3 weeks off, then 1-2 days, than 2 weeks off. 

In other words, my husband's not doing so good sticking to routine.

He has a friend who is a Beach Body rep, who is also getting killer results with the programs. I suggested he reach out to her and get the program. When I purchased Body Revolution, I was determined to use it just to get my money's worth out of the program. I hoped he would adapt the same mentality.

That first week he was really jazzed. That second week he was sticking with it, but a little less motivated. Then he pulled a muscle in his shoulder, and it's been several weeks off again. Ugh. How do I get him to stick with things?

New attempt: I'm trying T25 instead. My hope is that he'll see me sticking with it and it might inspire him to do the same.

But Oh-My-God. This is only day 3 and I'm pretty sure I have carpet burn on my cheeks from when my arms gave out and I face-planted... several times

This program is enough to make me want to go back running to Body Revolution. Seriously tough. I can keep up with the 'modified' Shawn T's helper, Tanya, offers, but I want to get the most out of these programs so I try not to do modified when I can avoid it. Today's lack of modifier resulted in moments of me not doing either exercises, just struggling to keep myself upright, while I tried to figure out what the heck they were doing. I ended soaked in sweat so I guess I did something right... ish. 

The speed in which they do each exercise is the real struggle. I'm trying to figure out what they're doing and how I can copy it, and we're already halfway through the time for that exercise. In theory this will get better in a few weeks as I get a strong feel for all of it. 

The ultimate goal of it, though? Not working so much. Hubby is asking me how I did, but doesn't seem interested in keeping up with me or joining me. Hm. Tactic not working so well.

Oh well, ultimate result still benefits me. We'll see how much longer I give T25 before I go back to good, ole, slower Body Revolution.

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