Friday, February 27, 2015

The ... Lack of?... Benefits of Stretching?

The last of "workout vacation" is upon me. I think it's a good sign that my attitude is pretty positive for this.

Ok, really positive.

A little over a week left. School ends then, and I promised myself I'd get back into the fitness groove and strengthen my body. I owe it to myself.

I owe it to my lungs- been smoking way too much with this added free time.

What do I want this rounds fitness goals to be?

Its easier to give up when you have no specific goals in mind. I'm giving this full focus- I'm getting myself some goals.

Goal #1

Complete the full 90 days of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution.

Why? Just for bragging rights. That shit is intense, and - even half assing the end- if I can complete it, I'll feel a little like a warrior. 

 Goal #2

Increase flexibility

Tonight's research includes the latest advice on how to do that, only instead I stumbled upon the fact that stretching is a little of a mystery to science. They've pinpointed  that it's not so much stretching as it is getting your nerve endings accustomed to  new ranges. They recommend something called PNF stretching instead. My limited research of PNF says it sounds a bit complicated and best left to professional trainers and physical therapists. Er... but it's a goal. So now what? How does common-jane-wannabe-Zina-ballerina handle this? I already know from physical therapy employment that its a very important cornerstone to long-term healthy body. How do I incorporate that into a routine and goal?

The major problem with today's internet is there's too much stuff out there on opinion and not enough on fact. My search continues. I'll get back to you.

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