Sunday, February 8, 2015

This Quitter is Attempting to Re-Join

I'm trying to get back at it again. And this pretty much sums it up.

Husband's got navy weigh-ins in two months and is some 15 pounds over his goal- Not Good. I've managed to maintain under 145 since I stopped working out but I can tell the once firm is now flabby. His actions are getting me in a similar frame of mind once more.

My excuse this time has been stress. Funny, isn't it? Since working out is one of the ways people relieve stress and all. My day so much time available, and at some point I have to cut out what's pushing me or I'm going to push back, and likely at the wrong time. Since my throat had still been bothering me, I chose working out to be the thing to stop.

Plus Gaiam still hasn't come through on their offer to mail me a new DVD for the one I scratched. 

Today's jog brought sad news: I'm back at 11.5 minutes per mile. I worked so hard to get it down to 10 minutes a mile, and just over a month later it's back at that disgusting number. I've pinpointed two reasons for this. The first, worst, and most obvious: I'm a smoker. I've destroyed my lungs with every puff, and now I'm paying for it. The second: my soar throat is allergies. I got back in the house and, minus the wheezing from reason #1, the first thing I noticed was how the back of my throat felt like it was on fire- the exact symptom I've carried with me since around Christmas. Getting into the shower and breathing in the humidity really helped. All pollen forecasts indicate low and good air quality, yet my throat says everything opposite. Maybe I'm allergic to the dry air, my body having grown accustomed to constant humidity of the midwest. Whatever it is, it sucks.

But it's not going to keep me down, at least not right away. I'm going to give it another try. I enjoy jogging, and I'd hate to have a reason to give it up.

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