Saturday, February 21, 2015

It Ain't Over Till It's Over... But It's Over, For Now Anyway

Excuse is still same as old; stress, but I have a fun spin on it now! Adding "work out" to my to-do list will overload my to-do list.

I got my DVD from Gaiam finally- yay! I can try again with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, and this time take better care of the DVD's. But just not yet.

Projected new start date is The 2nd week of March, when school ends. 

What excuse will I come up with then?

In the meantime I'm trying to at least eat semi-healthy. I get a veggie in here, a fruit in there, easy does it on the soda, and my scale likes it- I'm 2 pounds less than what I was a few weeks ago. That's probably muscle atrophy though.

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