Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Does Not Equal Lazy

I've heard variations of it since Thanksgiving: Take a break from your diet; it's the holidays!

That's like saying "I'm giving up on myself because it's easier." Naturally, I say no.

That doesn't mean I'm not indulging a little. I'm a little less focused on what I'm eating and being a little more active.

But I am not giving up on myself. 

I'm still doing my work-out, even this morning on Christmas Day. Granted I slept like crap last night equaling little energy this morning & am now nauseous post-workout. Sound a little crazy? Maybe, but it will still equal results.

Why do we allow ourselves laziness on the holiday season? It is Not a Gift. All it equates to is remorse. You over-indulge and slack on working out, then you have to start over again. Why would you do that to yourself after you put in all that hard work? For those who have achieved their goals of fitness, I suppose it's all right- gives you a new goal to strive for when you gain a few pounds again. But for those who still have a long journey to go? You're only hurting yourself. Don't you deserve better? 

Jillian Michaels drills over and over in her workouts that if you keep that goal, that "Why are you here" in your head, you can accomplish anything. It's true, and it needs to be especially thought of in the holiday season. Binge eating and slacking on workouts is not keeping that goal in your mind, and the only accomplishment received from it is backward progress. Who wants to go backward from their goals?

So have a cookie or two, enjoy a slice of pie- but not all the cookies and the whole pie. Remember the goal- Christmas is the time to keep the gift of healthy living in your minds more than ever, as temptation surrounds you. You're worth it. I know all my hard work is.

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