Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Alright, not throwing in the towel... yet

Today Jillian Michaels admitted she's been called a bitch, and she doesn't care. One must assume (or maybe it's hope) it's because she knows that in the end she's going to push you to get the results you want.

Just finished DVD 6. My rear is killing me. Oddly, though we were working arms yesterday, the sides of my hips are sore from yesterday, and have since been exasperated from today's workout.

But I'm still alive. Technically.

Today was challenging, to say the least. I'm feeling more exhausted than energized. The difference between today and yesterday is I felt like I can do this. That makes all the difference in the world.

I can do this.

I do feel stronger from it. I do feel better about myself from this. I want to keep going because of those feelings. 

I'm still dreading Thursday, where I have to repeat DVD 5. Fearing it. Wishing I didn't have to do it. But I will. Why? See above.

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