Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 5 - Giving up?

Week 5 starts "Phase 2".

"Phase 2".  It strikes fear in my heart. It really does. And it should.

Seriously? Jillian Michaels is exhausted. Are you kidding me??

This woman spent most of this workout walking around talking about form and yelling at the camera to give more. 

And SHE'S exhausted.

Starting the Weeks 3 and 4 DVD's was tough. It was very tough, but I still felt like I could do it, for the most part. I was challenged, I had to wuss it out a little, but by the last time doing the DVD's I actually felt like I could keep up with it.

Week 5 is not starting out that way.

Problem #1:

From the first exercises I was skimping out, quitting well before I should. It's not a matter of being lazy. It's the fact that I physically cannot do this. My upper body strength is not where it should be to do these exercises. It physically hurts, like I'm tweaking a muscle wrong. That this means I likely am. I'm not strong enough to be performing these exercises so something is compensating in a way it physically shouldn't.  This is how injuries occur. 

I did push through where I could. I did challenge myself. And I am exhausted from it.

Problem #2:

Shouldn't there be some kind of endorphin high from this? I'm missing that. I never take naps. When my husband & I drove home from CA to IL I slept maybe 6 hours total in 3 days because I could not fall asleep- it was too much like taking a nap. Yet right now I could easily go back to bed. There is no energy jolt from this.

Something is very, very wrong here. This is not the kind of exercise that I want to keep up with. This is why people likely quit exercise programs, and I'm seriously contemplating it.

But I am going to give it a little longer. Arms are my weakest strength. DVD 2 will not target these muscles. Plus Wednesday will bring a new cardio video and I'm curious about that. Maybe I can find some new motivation. If not, maybe I need to take a little break and try this program again from week 1 to further build my strength.

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