Monday, November 17, 2014

Week 4 begins

It's a miracle! I'm still alive!

DVD 4 on Friday kicked my butt, but Saturday was worse. Started with a 3 mile jog, where I hit a new record: 9 minutes, 53 seconds on my first mile. Overall averaged 11 minutes a mile; I have to work on more even balance with endurance. Then grocery shopping; more physical activity. After a little rest I followed that up with an hour's walk around downtown San Diego; roughly 1.5 miles. 

If that wasn't enough, hubby & I went for a 50 minute walk last night after I cleaned the house in the afternoon.

I'm measuring my progress right now by how well I'm able to keep up with the DVD this week compared to last week. Today wasn't bad. I was able to do 7 'military style' push-ups each time (twice) before having to drop to my knees for the rest. I'm still a little wobbly on the evil burpee cousin. Still exhausted, too. I somehow feel a little more capable this week. Maybe it's all in my head, or maybe I really am getting stronger in only 3 week's time.

I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune come Thursday.

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