Monday, November 10, 2014

For Those (like me) Who Need More Protein

My Preferred Protein Method

My girlfriend asked me last night what is my preferred protein shake. She knows I'm a picky person. I read all these articles on the importance of protein while working out. Add insult to injury, my awful diet often doesn't give me the proper normal intake, much less for working out.

For those who don't know why protein is important, this article from Jillian Michael's website explains it.

8 ounces of Original, Unsweetened Almond Milk
About 1 tsp of cinnamon (I tap it 3 times)
2 tsp of honey (I just give it a good squeeze)
2 scoops of EAS protein

While you can use a blender, I don't like making that kind of noise in my duplex at 6am- I try to be a considerate neighbors. I shake it up really well in my water bottle (difficult to do today with exhausted arms), then throw it in the freezer for about 10 minutes. 

While it's only a small amount, the honey and the cinnamon both help with flavor and offer the added benefit of a boost to your immune system.

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