Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Body Revolution: Week 3, Day 2

In DVD 3 (or was it DVD 4 today? It all blurs together...) Jillian coached about pushing past comfort zone, that it's not meant to be easy. At the time all I could do was mentally cuss her out and wish she'd shut up, that I was doing it already! Now that I've had some time to physically heal, I have to say I agree with her.

I've been working out on and off - mostly on I think- for about 4 years now. I have not really seen much in terms of results because i have not really pushed beyond my comfort zone. Whether I want to or not, that choice ends now. It is ended because I'm committing myself to this program. I spent good money on it, and I want to see just how far my money can take me. I don't want to give in this time. Not an easy choice. About as difficult as learning how to feel comfortable in country-living ways while living in San Diego

Today was a little easier, but I use the term 'easier' loosely. I did not collapse at the end of most of the exercises, and I felt like it went fast. Faster than yesterday anyway.

Jillian continues to develop new ways of the torture system. Today's HATED exercise was mid-way through. I'm sweating, breathing heavily, and still feeling the arm weakness of yesterday. She has you start out in plank then do rotating leg lefts. My arms are still shaking from the standard push-up attempts (and everything else) yesterday. I hit the mat a few times, but I managed to get back up and keep going. But that's not the hated one.

After that one my arms are super angry. She has us raise our arms above our head, palm forward, with weights in both hands. Arms stay up while you kneel down to 1 knee, then the other (almost a prayer position, lower body wise), then starting with the same leg that first kneel with you pull yourself back up. Kneel- up -kneel - up. She says the weights are to add more weight to make this more challenging, but I found this harder on my arms than my legs by far.

Still not as bad as yesterday's Plank to Crescent Moon yesterday. That one is the evil cousin of the burpee, another one of my dreaded exercises. Deep lunge, left your upper body up and hold the lung for a second, then back to plank & rotate to other leg. Again. And Again. And - splat- there goes Megan to the mat. Oh sweet, cushy yoga mat. Are you sure I cannot just stay down here? No, no - don't be weak. Up we go. Catch up to the group on the DVD. 

It's silly but I'm competitive with some of the background people on there. Not in a sense of outdoing them, but in a sense that I want to keep up and be just as good as them. Often picked on is Mimi, and I have to admit I think she's my favorite. She gives Jillian evil looks and cringes at exercises like I do. Maybe that's why I like her. She looks physically fit & it's challenging her- makes me feel a little less like a wimp.

I survived, and I'm even looking forward to tomorrow's jog for my cardio day, mainly because I know it won't be as challenging as these other two days.

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