Monday, November 10, 2014

Next Phase of Body Revolution

Did you know this program was based off of The Biggest Loser? I didn't. 

It really explains a lot.

I took today off just to prepare myself for this workout. Nah, just kidding. I took it off cause my husband has it off & I wanted us to spend time together. Beginning next phase of workout was an added bonus. Boy do I need it.

The workout started pretty easy. Jumping jacks, a little stretching, then phase 1 began.

Easy enough, I can handle this. I actually started to think weeks 1 and 2 did as Jillian advertised- strengthened for the next weeks. 

Then phase 2 began. Repeating phase 2, and phase 3 began. I knew I was in trouble. Sweat pouring down, I struggled to keep up with the exercises, a weakness overcame me as my arms began shaking. As I completed the second round of phase 3, I felt confident and good. I did it. I'm exhausted, I'm weak, but I did it.

Then she announced the beginning of phase 4. 

4 phases on this DVD? Seriously? 

I did manage to complete it without wimping out too much, though I did collapse momentarily a few times. 

Lifting my arms in the shower to wash my hair was an equal challenge, much like keeping them up to type this out now. My right one's beginning to shake again.

Oh. Dear. God. What have I committed myself to? A three month program where weeks 3 and 4 are my max points? Will I survive?? 

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