Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Jillian Michaels: You Are Insane!

Or maybe it's me that's insane for putting myself through this?

Almost a year ago I was super excited to get a Thanksgiving/ Black Friday deal on Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

And I fell off the wagon fairly quickly.

But I paid $70+ for it, and I want to get my money's worth. I decided this past week to jump into it again.

Keep in mind that, minus a few weeks that I took a break, I've been working out fairly regularly for the last 3 months.

Saturday I went jogging for 20 minutes, than did 15 minutes worth of glut exercises.

Sunday I started Week 1, DVD 1- Squats! Oh for the love of...

Monday I rested, my poor rear muscles needed a break.

Tuesday was Week 1, DVD 2- More focus on Gluts! Oh Common!

Today's Body Revolution schedule was cardio dvd- I swapped it out for a 2 mile jog.

The only word I can think of to describe how I feel accurately is Ooooohhhhh!

My legs are not moving like they should. I have to utilize a table or the arms of my chairs to sit down and stand up. I think I'm walking funny, too.

Jillian Michaels, what is wrong with you? Why would you create a DVD workout like this? How is it possible for people to lose weight when they cannot even move after 1 week of your workout routine?

And, Dear God in Heaven, what on earth is wrong with me? I'm actually pretty certain I'm going to do tomorrow's DVD. Am I drugged? Is there some hypnotic message in the DVD that is compelling me to do this?

I won't be fit by the end of this- I'll be dead. Or, at minimum, a lump of what used to be a person.

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