Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Week-long progress!

I believe this is the longest I have consistently gone with exercise and a good diet while my husband is home- ever.

I continue to use www.sparkpeople.com to track my calorie intake and exercise burning. I then input the daily calorie differential report (how many I've consumed versus how many I've burned) into an excel spreadsheet.

As you can see, I have my good days and bad days. I allow myself to overeat occasionally, and then I use that to fuel my workouts the next day ("I overate, better keep moving!")

Today's workout incorporated a 12 minute jog (a little over a mile) followed by some targeted arm exercises found here, and 5 minutes of stretching.

 Big motivating factor this week: Mentality

I have been very focused, even if I pout while I do it. I eyeballed the nacho cheese in my fridge- something my mom bought for me back on my visit home. With a sigh (and maybe a foot stomp), I close the fridge, open the freezer, and grab a bag of birdseye veggies instead.  I've mentally convinced myself that- as good as those nacho's may taste- it is simply not worth it. In a couple hours I can either feel good about myself for the choice I made as well as feel physically good for the nutrients I ate, or I can feel guilty for giving in to temptation and physically ill for the carb and preservative overload. Not. Worth. It.

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