Tuesday, August 19, 2014

When A Workout Makes You Sick...

image credit to Industrial Hygiene

What a way to start the day: dry-heaving as you try to wash your hair in the shower.

Ok, technically my day started with 15 minutes of me sipping water, watching TV (and a cigarette) to get hydrated pre-workout so I don't get sick! Then a 5 minute warm-up of stretching and waking up the muscles before this:

This nice HIIT workout that I found a few days ago on pinterest. 

Note how it says Beginner to repeat 3 times. After round 2 I was ready to tap out, but because it says a beginner should repeat 3, I listened to it. Stupid, stupid girl. I did each round in 10 minutes to keep the heart-rate up.

By burpie #6, I collapsed and began to feel the stomach churn. I took a deep breath, shook out my arms and legs, and finished the next 4, then the rest of the workout. 

Flash forward to shower. Ugh. Why didn't I stop?

So I guess there is such a thing as pushing yourself too far. It took over 2 hours to gain my stomach under control again, and I've been starving all day even though I keep stuffing my face with various food (mostly healthy; banana, apple, almonds... except the cheetos, and I deserved those damn it!). 

Now the real question is what am I going to do for tomorrow's workout when every inch of my body is aching and protesting? Perhaps next week will be the week I start 6 day workouts...

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