Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Abs and Booty Workout

Exercises to target abs and booty

Yesterday I knew from the soreness in my legs it would not be a jogging day today. I decided the two muscle groups least fatigued over the last few days are my gluts and my abs, so today would be a good day to ease up on cardio and just focus on targeting them.

Have I mentioned how weak I am? Truly, it's pathetic. 

My search for a workout routines for these two muscle groups came up empty handed, so I decided to craft my own. Completing my routine once takes about 10 minutes. I was beginning to think I made this too easy by the end of the 1st round, but repeat #2 changed my mind. This is an excellent routine for beginners, or those like me who just cannot seem to progress past "wimp" level of working out. I ended with a good sweat and sore muscles- I call it a success.

40 Jumping Jacks

Image from here

20 Mountain Climbers

Image from Here
100 Pilates Beginner "100"
Image from Here

12 each side Twisting Windmill 

Image from Here

40 each leg Jogging Butt Kicks

Image from Here

12 each leg Single Leg Bridge

Image from Here

12 each leg Donkey Kicks

Image from Here

12 each leg Clams

Image from Here

15 each leg Side Lunge

Image from Here

40 Jumping Jacks

Image from here
12 each side Bicycle Crunches

Image from Here

30 seconds Plank

Image from Here

20 Reverse Crunch

Image from Here

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