Wednesday, June 25, 2014

When Life Gets In The Way

Sleep is my #1 priority. 

Sleep problems is also an on and off problem for me.

As of the last 3 days I've been fighting insomnia again, so the workout routine is on pause.

My Important Rule of Fitness: accept sometimes life will get in the way, and do not give up because of it.

I've had a 3-day rest, and that's OK. I am not giving in; I am on pause.Pause may even last a few more days. It's just what it will take.

Right now I have some big priorities in my life to deal with, and I'm letting that take the front seat for a while. This will allow me to resolve my issues, and allow me to return to a calmer mental state. 

Calmer mental state = more peaceful nights = sleep!

Sleep = return to workout!

It's going to happen because that's life! You're going to get de-railed sometimes. It's not a definition of my life, it's just a part of my life. Thanks to excellent coping skills I've learned along the way, I know that tomorrow, next week, or maybe even next month, this will all be alright again, and I'll be back into my 4:30 jogging in no time.

I define my life; I do not let my problems define it. For me, that's true health.

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