Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Cantaloupe Conundrum

I LOVE summer food! Corn, grilling, but especially fresh, ripe Cantaloupe!

I've found the pre-cut are often not that fresh, so I prefer to slice my own.

I love to cut them as soon as I get home from the grocery store. Well, maybe not the best description. Better would be to state I often become too lazy to chop it up if I don't do it from the start.

Don't judge me! You know you've been there, too!

The Conundrum is my constant flaw with chopping them. No matter how I try to cut it, somehow I always feel like I'm ending up with less cantaloupe than there could/ should be. I try not to dig out more than just the seeds, and I cut close to the skin, too. Still... something's wrong.

I just don't get it.

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