Monday, July 7, 2014


Current List of Excuses:
1.) I run out of time in the day to fit in in
2.) I'd rather spend the time with my husband
3.) My back's kind of bothering me
4.) I don't have the energy
5.) I simply don't feel like it.

The answer to whether I can keep up my good progress while my husband is home is no, no I cannot. I planned to work out Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I had no Good reason not to- I didn't have work. I had free time. Yet I simply did not work out. Unless you call 4 hours of house cleaning Sunday? Maybe a half point for that. 

I'm in trouble. Every year on my anniversary I slip into my wedding gown to prove to myself I haven't totally failed if I can still fit into it. I take a photo of myself as evidence. Last year I could barely get the zipper up, but I got it! This year we're going to be on vacation by 7/30, so I'll have to do it earlier still (cause I'm sure as hell not doing it after the fatty foods of vacation soak in!).

If you want it bad enough, nothing is impossible.

The trouble is that my attitude 90% of the time is "eah, I don't want it bad enough..." I'm getting flat out lazy at this point. I'd rather be a bum. 

The insane thing is I KNOW I would have more energy if I just got myself out there. And yet...

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