Friday, April 3, 2015

My New Lunch (I hope)

Garden Pasta Salad
Graden Pasta Salad

Well it took a lot of digging but I finally found a lunch that - per serving- is a little over 200 calories, healthy, and should fill me up. Alterations for my taste will be a hint of fresh grated parm cheese, a little romaine lettuce, and a little less basil than appears (that stuff is overpowering!).

Will update when I've tasted it... fingers crossed it's good, cause I hate wasting money and food by tossing bad recipes.


Sigh. It's awful when bad things happen to good foods. Like Megan attempting to make it.

There I was, standing in the kitchen Saturday afternoon. The morning sun warmed my toes at it glistened off the tile. A fresh, warm southern CA breeze blew through the windows. The morning birds sang happy tunes. I joined them in my heart, for I had completed all my week's grocery shopping which contained mostly health food and it was yet 10 am. I got to work on my salad as soon as groceries were put away. Rinse, chop, mix, pasta boiled, more rinsing and chopping, stir together, now refrigerate.

It wasn't awful and I did not gag. That's the best I can say for it. Maybe it's that I used greek yogurt instead of regular (all the grocery store had), or that my olives were a bit overpowering? Either way, sadly, this will not be my new lunch meal. 

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