Friday, April 3, 2015

Diet Woes, Day 3

The growling stomach hit me about 10:30 yesterday, and didn't shut up until dinner time. The only reason it shut up - I think is that I finally stuffed myself; peas, egg noodles, and carrots with ranch dressing. I just came in at my calorie intake. And it. was. a. struggle.

Day 3. 

My quest continues for food substitutions and way to incorporate more healthy stuff into my diet. I have a somewhat healthy grocery list of spinach, romaine lettuce, spaghetti squash, coconut oil, and even - gasp - chia seeds. 

My current focus is searching for ways to make a salad that will actually allow me to feel full after- a rarity. A friend of mine recommended I eat a salad for 1 meal every day. She makes a big salad during the weekend & takes it with her to work on the weekdays. Not a bad idea in theory, but I cannot see myself standing to eat a salad for lunch every day without feeling starving for something more an hour later. There has to be a way to cure this.

In the meantime I have to ignore the desire to eat. I'm not truly hungry yet- though my stomach did give a little growl at me about 10 minutes ago- but the desire to snack and much is big. No, stomach! You had a supposedly filling shake an hour and a half ago! Suck it up for at least another hour!

Ugh. It's gonna be a long day. Why am I doing this again?

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