Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Diet Woes, Day Hungry.

Is it sad that I lost track already? (It's OK to be honest with me)

Oh yeah, I started this April 1st so it would be easier to keep track of.

Wait, what day is today? 

Tuesday. Oh yeah, I mean it's the 6th. No, it's the 7th. ARG, where's a calendar? 

Oh yeah, I have one on the thing I'm using to type.

Oh Boy. It's just one of those days. 

I blame allergies. For years I thought I was extremely prone to getting sick. Turns out it's really much more simple; I'm allergic! Years of going to doctors and not one thought 'hm, maybe it's allergies.' Just horrifying. Good thing I'm armed with Claritin 24 hour non-drowsy. Takes away 90% of my symptoms and allows me to function near normal.

Good news for that: I feel crappy enough to skip my workout guilt-free. Bad news is I have to cut out even more calories than normal to even things out. The thing is, that's not really bad news. The lightbulb went on a day or two ago: my goal is not to be 6-pack abs ripped, so why am I killing myself on a workout program that's going to make me that way? My goal is to be healthy and shed maybe 10-15 lbs if I get lucky. 

What does every nutritionist and fitness expert say? You cannot use Exercise Alone.

What is that followed by? Weight loss is all about Diet.

I know this, and yet often I chose to forget this. But my personal monthly challenge is reminding me what I should really be focusing on to achieve my goals. 

And, surprisingly, so far so good. I pigged out a little at work yesterday, but then went home and ate nothing but fruits and veggies for dinner. I'm swapping out fats for healthy green stuff, and amazingly am still enjoying myself. I'm still feeling the urge to munch, but I'm getting a handle on how to tame the beast now.

But then again, I'm less than 2 weeks in. The battle has only just begun.

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