Thursday, April 2, 2015

Diet Woes, Day 2

Day 1 was a little rocky. I didn't do as good as I'd like to have- I went about 100 over my calorie intake to maintain my weight. I ate some not-so-great for me stuff. But i also made better decisions. I made a grilled cheese sandwich and used extra virgin olive oil instead of butter on the bread, and used shredded cheddar cheese instead of the over-processed american cheese slices. Slowly getting better. 

Now we're on Day 2. My body is reacting to the slight reduction of day 1. It's confused, but not in shock yet. It seems to know change is coming, but is uncertain what to make of it.

Normally by 8am I'm diving into my apples- which I eat daily- then by 9am I'm diving into other snacks I brought, most of which are moderately unhealthy. Low salt crackers or honey roasted nuts. 

Today I had my protein shake and I'm making that my breakfast. My snack will be my apples. 

But it's only 9:30- long way to go- and hunger is knocking on the door a little more persistently. Chug some water and ignore it. The stomach hasn't out-right growled yet, which means I'm not ready for apples.

How do people do this day after day?

How am I going to survive day after day? 

Only solution I can think of is distraction. I've been working on a post of healthy meals for this picky eater. Looking at food should make me hungrier, but funny thing about veggies is that I rarely crave them. Huh, maybe this will turn out to be a good thing after all.

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