Saturday, January 11, 2014

YAY to Healthy Eating!

I'm not keeping up with exercise. I'm not on a strict diet. Despite this, I have some amazing news! I've lost 5 pounds in the last month, even though I have only worked out about 4 times and have definitely eaten things  I shouldn't have! My scale now says 141-143 (varies each day/ different times of the day) instead of 147-149! (I estimate it's about 5 pounds lost... hard to tell lol)

My theory to why I'm losing weight:

1.) I'm not over-eating. At all! Once I'm full, no matter how much I adore the meal, I stop eating. By 'full', I don't mean stuffed. I mean comfortably full.
2.) I'm not eating the bad stuff all the time. When I want to reach for a box of mac & cheese for dinner- I'm lazy, it's quick, I don't want to make anything else- I stop myself and recall what I've eaten in the last few days. What does my body NEED? Then I grab the birdseye steamfresh veggies out of the freezer instead. Just as easy, and much better for me. Maybe I'll grab a few oreo's for desert though. When I do eat the bad stuff, I eat in small portions. Then I follow-up with a banana for desert.
3.) I've begun taking 1 glass of MiraLax every day to 'regulate' myself. Not a fun topic, but I suspect it's what's helping. Instead of a bathroom visit every 3-4 days I'm visiting it daily now. While this stuff is expensive, it is tasteless and seems to be working much better than the fiber pills I had been previously taking.
4.) I turn every-day actions into mini workouts. Today I emptied the dishwasher and had a 5 minute work out. When I put things away low, I did a deep squat to do it. I put 1 item away at a time instead of several items at once. When I put high things away I did mini pulses on my toes. When I had to walk for items I did lunges, not normal steps. Another example: while I brush my teeth I'm doing leg lifts, squats, marching in place. My theory to this is I'm keeping my heart rate slightly elevated to help the calorie burning process.

Bad news: those people that tell you that you need to incorporate diet and exercise are correct. Damn it. I've been very focused on the exercise alone, but only recently with the diet. Darn them for being right, but it does seem to be the secret to success.

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