Thursday, December 19, 2013

Holiday Slope

Excuse #2:
Who wants to diet on the holiday's?

Yep, I've fallen pray to it. 0 exercise for about 2 weeks now, even though this week I've had the time for it. It's shameful, really.

Even though I've slacked on the exercise, I am still working to improve my diet... just not every day. 2 days ago I tried Easy Garlic Green Beans Recipe. It was my dinner, along with 1 serving of Life cereal. But I broke every rule with last night's dinner: huge piece of garlic bread & a large french fry from a local restaurant. Seriously, that was my dinner. This is not how an adult eats!

Today I will help to repair from last night's dinner. My plans are to make a salad and a big helping of peas, which I happen to love (unlike green beans- blech! The garlic only semi-helped...). I might even be able to motivate myself to work out. No husband to come home tonight, so what's my excuse? The TV is calling my name? Well, it does have a habit of doing that...

I give in to you, holiday slope; the time of year where everyone's good intentions begin with all the strength they possess, and end with you winning. Darn, you're good. And I'm not. Shame, shame, shame.

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