Wednesday, December 11, 2013

That Wagon Keeps Leaving Without Me

Jillian Michaels, it's not you. I promise. Your body revolution videos (week 1, anyway) are very motivating and inspiring. I think I might have actually lost a pound from doing them just for 1 week. Very hard-core, yet plenty of variety. I really appreciate you telling the camera not to quit, too. Several times I almost have until you yelled at me. You are right; I'm doing this for me.

So why am I failing after a week?

It's the very excuse that caused the creation of 'T25' program; I do not have enough time. Mornings are Not my workout period. I am presenting myself as Exhibit A today. I had to move a very heavy box quite some distance to my car, then struggle with it to get it to fit right in my car. Whole process took me about 20 minutes, and this all happened 2 hours after I woke up. I- Am- Exhausted. I mean ExHAUsteD. (Don't ask me how that differs from the other, it just does.) I, who never take naps, could easily nap out right now. From just moving a box! A big box, but it's just a freaking box! This, my friends, is why I exercise at night, a few hours before bed. Exercise wears me out. Energy level fail.

Biggest problem: I've been giving a colleague a ride home a lot & it's thrown off my workout routine. Not to mention it pushes my dinner time back an hour, so I'm eating about an hour before I go to bed. Pretty sure that's a big no-no in the work-out/ healthy eating world.

My husband, however, is on the diet wagon with both feet! He's controlling his portions (something he's never done), eating better and lighter, and working out. I will certainly not discourage him, but I hate him a little for all his vigor toward this. A small part of me says "if you have all this energy, how about doing your own laundry for a change? I mean actually folding All of it when it's done in the dryer, not just folding what you need and leaving the rest for me?" Yeah, he does his laundry some times, but he never folds it, and the stuff i fold rarely makes it beyond the laundry room unless I move it. No, no Meg. Pick your battles. This is not one of them.

:::Deep Breath:::

Anyway, December week 2 is a fail. I consider my weeks starting on Monday, and I can promise this week will be lucky if it has a weekend workout, cause the weekdays sure ain't getting them. Too much to do tonight to work out, which also means quick easy meal that will likely cater to the taste buds instead of the health needs. Maybe I can count the box move as a work out? I did sweat a lot from it, and I will be struggling with it again as I attempt to get it out of my car solo tonight. Sure, we'll call that a workout. So half fail.

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