Saturday, December 7, 2013

So You Think YOU'RE a Picky Eater...

One memory sticks out more than the others. It happened about a year ago. I'd ventured to a mall with some friends, and we decided to grab a bite to eat at the cafeteria. They all headed for Chinese or healthy options, I headed straight for the pizza place. A father and daughter were in front of me, the girl can't have been more than 7 years old... and we ordered the exact same meal.

If I give thought to what I eat, my 7 year old nephew probably eats better than me in truth.

I think I am The Picky Eater. 

I've met others. They say, "Oh no, you can't be pickier than me!" and we start a comparison chart, and I win.

But it's not a real win. It's actually a big loss for my diet and nutrition. I am severely lacking, and at 30 there has to be a point where I get a handle on it.

I think the worst thing about eating like this at 30 VS eating like this at 3 is that I know 2 things; the long term health effects, and what is Truly healthy versus what is just advertised as healthy (or if I don't know it, I soon research/ talk to people and learn it).

Tonight I'm working on my continued self improvement with the topic of eating better. Already mentioned, I'm not doing Jillian Michaels diet, but if I am doing her workout (... sort of, update later...), I should at least work on my eating habits. So I do a google search for 'health food for picky eaters' and I have to chuckle. 

The Picky Eater Blog; She thinks she's such a picky eater that she's claimed the blog name. Most of what she eats I find gross. Nope, she is Not a picky eater. She has a very wide palate by comparison to me.

I will admit this Life Hacker article has some good ideas, but nothing that gives me specific recipes I'll dive into.

Eating Well No Cook Recipes are a great idea in concept, but while they don't have cook they do have prep time. Oh, did I mention I'm also LAZY when it comes to cooking. I'll bake all day long, but I don't want to spend more than 10 minutes in the kitchen when it comes to actually cooking. If it takes too long, I'll just pour myself a bowl of cereal and be done with it.

But I did learn something interesting from this research. Turns out I am not as alone as I thought. There are even worse people than me, featured in an NBC News report that outlines this eating preference is actually being recognized now as an eating disorder!

Now, if I could only find recipes that are simple, quick, and contained enough food I like to digest the food I don't like... Should I find some, I will share!

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