Monday, April 13, 2015

Diet Woes, Weekend Failure

I tried to be good this weekend, but it just didn't happen. When I'm not in a structured setting, where I am used to doing other things besides stuffing my face, it appears I have much less self control. Saturday we labeled 'Faturday' and ordered out- that's what hit me the most. I did better for Sunday, but still went over my allotted calorie intake. My week's calorie intake was a whopping 878 over my recommended amount. That number should be negative by at least 300. The big fail on Faturday ruined it all, made all the week's suffering pointless. Way to screw myself. 

 It's going to get worse; this weekend I'll be celebrating my 32nd Birthday (officially Monday) by not monitoring my diet. Or at least that's what I told myself last week would be my treat. Now I wonder how much it's worth it. Day after day of denying myself snacks and I ruin all my suffering in 1 meal. This weekend will wipe out the existence of all dieting if I allow it.


It's not about the pounds. This is about a Lifestyle Change; Creating New, Healthy Habits.

I have to just keep telling myself that. These habits will not be created in 1 day alone, and I have to accept that I'm going to fail. 

I recognize my weaknesses. What can I do to help curb and change? What do I really want out of this? A healthier me. So maybe not so overboard on my birthday weekend after all. But I will allow the splurge. It it will be OK if it turns out this weekend is just as bad as the next, because it's a work in progress.

Get out of here, Guilt. I'm building a new me and perfection isn't part of it.

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