Sunday, November 2, 2014

Better Than Expected

Ah, a day off. No fitness requirements of me today. Isn't that nice? Too bad another won't come for a week.

I must say, the fear of round 2 of DVD 2 was a bit unfounded. I can't be blamed for the fear, as my first round was pretty rough. Maybe the strengthening process is faster than I thought? The shakes stopped after a few hours. My muscles are a little tight, so further stretching will be in my future today, but overall it's alright.

What's really exciting is the self-esteem I'm gaining from this, just from week 1. 

This morning, as I prepped to jump into the shower, I glanced in the mirror. This is not something I typically do for two reasons: first I don't like the idea of promoting vanity within myself, and second I typically don't like what I see anyway. I know we are our own worst critics, and there is no exception for me in that rule. I suspect I see things no one notices and probably in a skewed perspective. All the same, mirrors and me = unhappy, so I like to utilize them as little as possible. 

But today a miracle happened: I saw myself as fit. 

No, not just fit: Hot.

I have always been that girl that has pretty, thin, hot bodied friends, but never me. I've always been OK with that, though. I don't mind being that pity friend the guys buy the drink for because I'm with the other girl. Hey, free drinks are free drinks- I'm not picky. 

I have wondered what it would feel like to be that girl too, though. While my drinking and partying days are behind me, I still would like to think I could turn a few heads.

Not to say I'm done. I still have areas that could use toning, especially my trouble zone of the lower belly bulge. That I feel like i'm making progress after only one week on this program (likely in combination of all the exercise and jogging I did prior to this program) is truly astounding.

Really makes me wonder what end of week 2 will have in store for me. 

Will I crumble or continue to find my motivation?

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