Monday, June 2, 2014

Find the Motivation Factor

My 3 week exercise success is brought to by 


image source:

How did I obtain said success? By finding out (FINALLY!) what works for me.

I've read 100 times about how you have to be passionate about working out, find what you really find "fun", or it's just not going to happen- you will not stick with it.

My answer to this has always been: NOTHING about exercise is fun!! 

I want to quit after 20 minutes. No amount of visualizing a healthier me, how great it feels when those exercise endorphin's are going off, or feeling physically strong makes me want to work out. Years upon years of trying have proven this to me. 

Until I started morning jogging.

I was greatly against this idea at first. 5 years of working for a physical therapist and hearing about how bad jogging can be on your joints convinced me jogging = knee replacement later in life.

So I got an elliptical. Boorriinnggg, but effective- to a degree. Yes, I use it, but I don't keep it up for long. 

By shedding the notion of "jogging- bad" and just going for it, and switching my workouts to 1st thing in the morning (where I'm too tired to talk myself out of workouts), I have managed great success in working out. So much that this morning- a day I decided I needed off due to massively aching muscles- I had to talk myself OUT OF workout out! Woah! 

I enjoy the AM jog because it's nice to see a quiet San Diego at 4:30 a.m. It's also a nice way to wake one's self up through a natural increased circulation of exercise than the artificial circulation caused by caffeine ( I admit: I still need to get me through my day post-workout). 

10+ years of working out and I've finally found out what works for me.

Now the real question: will this still "work" when the husband returns?

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