Sunday, May 18, 2014

GREAT Apartment Workout!

Got a cranky neighbor above or below you? Paper-thin walls? A significant other/ relative/ friend/ child asleep in the next room, and you want to get in a good full-body cardio workout? 

I'm a very considerate neighbor. What if someone nearby me works night shifts? Was up all night with a sick kid? Simply sleeps lightly (like I do)? I appreciate my neighbors being quiet, and out of respect I try to offer the same for them, even with 4 a.m. workouts.

Great Apartment Workout:

The loudest thing about this workout is how much I was huffing, and the final thump when I collapsed to the ground at the end. 

I thought this would be easy. Watched the moves, and they looked simple enough.

I was very, very wrong. Oh boy.

All the same, this is a great workout! Quiet, full body, heart pumping- I highly recommend!

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