Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Body Revolution/ T25 Mashup- Trial Phase, Week 1

When I first introduced this idea to my husband, he thought my idea meant I would attempt the insanity of doing both workouts in one day. Yeah, right; I’m not that hard core. At least not yet.

Part of my problem with T25 was my level of strength; it simply isn’t where it needs to be for me to properly keep up with the workouts. The repetition over time would eventually strengthen me to be able to keep up, but that’s a long time coming and I’m a very impatient girl.

What I enjoy about Body Revolution is its focus is strengthening. Already in week 1, where I have completed 2 Body Revolution DVD’s and followed it with 1 T25 DVD, I felt like my strength is improving. The growing strength allowed me to keep up with the pace more with my T25 workout Wednesday, and I felt like I had a more active workout as a result.

One of the negatives of the Body Revolution program was its advancement before I was ready. Quitting the program at week 9 was an easy decision. Part of that decision was feeling under the weather, but another part of it was my struggle to complete the workouts. They were simply too advanced for me. I should have repeated some of the lower level week longer, but again enters the problem of my ADD nature; I was craving some different routines by that point so I continued with the progression. With this mashup I am going to linger on each progression an extra week, allowing me extra time to increase my strengthening which, in theory, should increase my odds of completing the program.

Today repeated Monday’s workout with DVD 1 of Body Revolution. My body aches, but it’s a good kind of ache. I struggled through some of the workout because I’m stiff from earlier in the week, but I still got a good sweat built up and pushed myself through a few extra reps while Jillian was explaining the next exercise (a downside of her program; she spends a bit of time chatting about each workout which gives time for the heart rate to come down).

This morning I had a mental chat with myself about being impatient for results like I felt yesterday and focusing on ways I can improve myself. Let’s do the math:

The theory is that it takes burning 3,500 calories to lose a pound.

If my daily activities burn me 1,500 calories, I need to consume I mere 1,000 calories (equals -500 calories a day) to lose 1 pound a week. (I firmly believe that figure to be an insane figure for me)

With my modified new Healthy diet I am consuming about 1,600 calories a day on days I work out, which incorporate a protein shake, and about 1,300 on days I don’t.

My workouts equal an extra 250 (roughly) in calories burned, so I am burning about 1,750 calories with all daily activities.

150 calories burnt a day

The math is apparent; it’s not the ‘Weight Loss Gods’ to blame, it’s myself. If I want to see faster results, I have to continue to strive for some lower calorie and fat substitutes in some of my diet.

It’s around this time that I typically ask myself ‘Why am I doing this again?’ but I’m going to try to ignore that question or I’ll give up.

I’m doing it, end of story.

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