Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Diet Woes, Day 'What Gives?'

Alright Weight Loss Gods; I need a word with you please

I tried cutting back the calories;

I tried doing the exercise thing;

And now I'm doing the combo.

So today I feel like screaming "What Gives" to my scale, which obviously hates me. 

My theory is my scale is part of an elaborate plot to get me to be happy with being ever-so-slightly pudgy. It wants me to accept me for who I am, so it's refusing to change its number each time I step on it. I guess I should thank my scale for trying to get me to like me for me. 

Nope, I hate it. I want results, and I want them today. I have denied myself that which I adore for 15 days now. I have engaged in fitness for 7 of those 15 days. 

Oh wait, I think I see where my problem is...

*Sigh* It's only been a short time. It took me years to put these pounds on and expecting them to evaporate in a few days is just not going to happen, no matter how hard I wish.

Plus I got a nice reality check with this fun little article on Why Am I Not Losing Weight. (really well written) 

(Steel Magnolia; great flick)

Super jealous of my colleague, who has been on the 'eating healthy' binge for over a month now and does not miss the sugars at all. I'm also building a theory on her that she's no longer human. Seriously? Over 30 days and you don't miss it, while I sit on 15 days and I would give my knee cap for a doughnut = unfair.

My 'What Gives' is really just a reality check to me. I may be eating Great food for April (ok, minus 1 meal on 1 day) and I may be working out, but I'm still missing something somewhere. I'm what gives; I'm giving myself too much. 

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