Thursday, October 16, 2014

Post-Break Return to Saddle

Not a very relevant image, but darn if it isn't cute. :)

At an overloaded time in my life, I had to cut something out: exercise was it. I needed more sleep to keep functioning well. Sorry fitness- I'll miss you.

And, surprisingly, I did miss it. I'd kiss my husband goodbye, and as I he opened the door & the crisp, fresh air blew inward at me I would inhale and think, 'Soon. I will once again be running in you soon..." I think it's safe to say I found something I enjoy in jogging.

But it's depressing getting back into the swing. Only 2 weeks passed and my endurance has returned to what it originally was. Are you kidding me here?? I'm hopeful that to return to where I once was won't take the months it took prior. There's got to be some retention in this, right? 

It's good motivation. Cannot quit again! Do not want to keep backsliding like this! In truth I will keep stopping & starting- I will always have a weak period in my life, and this is how I best cope with those times. This will help weed out the weak periods from the lazy periods at least.

So this week I'm back in the saddle and trying to get myself back to the near 10 minutes a mile (yesterday's run was a full 11 minutes a mile... baby steps, maybe?).

And I come bearing a new ab workout routine. My ADD nature crosses over into my workouts all the time. I've given up on buying fitness DVD's; 2nd time watching & I'm bored with them. And I never keep to their schedule as I should- just not enough discipline in this area of my life. I know my weaknesses, and I keep striving for new variation to keep me interested. Thank God for Pinterest!

Random Antics offers a Fantastic photo & text of some ab exercises I haven't really seen before. This is the first routine I can actually feel the results in all sections of my abs; upper, lower, handles, and even my upper thigh area, which I believe the first 3 exercises are the culprit of. It's a painful day-after, but a good kind of pain. The kind of pain where I feel I'm strengthening my body instead of just punishing it.

Today's my day of rest after 2 days of good workouts, and I'm hoping (if my thighs will stop hurting by day's end) to get back at it tomorrow. 

Now, the real wish, is that I don't catch the cold my husband has. That would be my luck; just as I get motivated, I have to break again to let my body recoup from an illness. Fingers & toes crossed that doesn't happen!

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