Sunday, April 27, 2014

Oh Holy Productivity!

First, the big news: I am cutting back on smoking, in an attempt to eventually quit.

Though that goal doesn't always go as planned with smokers, my desire is to reduce my dependency on the nicotine slowly by starting with cutting back. 

Average weekday cigarette count: 16-20
Average weekend cigarette count: 25-30

That would be each day.  Yikes!!

Financial gain is my 1st motivation. 
Healthier lungs is my 2nd motivation.
Living without fear of cancer is my 3rd.
Everything else is an added bonus.

Today is day 7, and so far not too bad. I've managed to reduce my weekday cigarette intake by about 3-5 a day. My weekend intake was 19 yesterday (ok, not great, but baby steps...), so far today (7 hours in) I've had  9. It may sound like a lot still, but for the chain smoker I am this is a vast improvement.

My mind-blowing moment is how much more Productive I am. Weekdays it's not too big of a change. I arrive at my destinations a little earlier instead of staying at home for one final smoke. Little projects I've put off are now getting extra attention in order to keep me distracted from wanting to sit an smoke all day. I've been all across San Diego shopping for clothing and groceries this morning, and it's just past Noon. Wow.

Can't guarantee I'll keep up this good pattern, but I'm hopeful.

And I'm a bit more motivated as of yesterday. 

Hubby and I went Jogging yesterday. A First!

We went to a local park with an intent of just walking around and enjoying nature- something he knows I love and he doesn't mind. But DANG, it was a chilly So-Cal day yesterday. About 3 minutes in and my legs are all goosbumped up. Husband suggested we start jogging. Sure, OK.

My sad moment was how poor my endurance was, and how well he could. While I haven't been very constant, I have been more into working out than he has been. Yet he kicked my butt, and he's the one gaining weight! He's also the heavier smoker of the two of us, but I know for myself smoking is a big part of my failed endurance. 

There is something motivating about 1.) exercising outdoors, and 2.) exercising with a partner. For starters, once we midway through the path, I couldn't just easily quit like I do at home. When I start to feel really winded at home I admit defeat and say "I'll work up to that endurance..." Not an option. Having husband with me also encouraged me to try to jog longer; "if he can do it, I can do it... Ok, maybe I can't, but I'm still going to show him my full effort of trying!" 

It's turned out to be an activity we both enjoyed and are going to try to make a habit of it. 

So I'm calling this weekend a health success! Less cigarettes, more fresh air, and better treatment of my body over-all. Here's hoping we can keep it up!

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