Friday, October 17, 2014

Runners Focus = Not Just Running

One of the things that prevented me from getting into jogging was the fact that I saw so many knee injuries at my last job. Knees & hips, but typically knees, are the first things to go bad on a body. And OOhh the knee surgery is painful. 

Ok, all surgery is painful.

It's just not something I want to experience until I absolutely have to for myself.

What does that mean, then?

I must educate myself on how to take care of my body given all the beating it receives from jogging.

:::Reviews Articles:::

Most of this stuff is basic: listen to the body, eat well, stay hydrated. 

The Big Key to avoiding Injury seems to be Stretching.

Makes sense. I like to think of muscles like rubber bands. A cold rubber band put to extreme use could break quicker than a warmed-up rubber band. 

As for what specific exercises, I like This Article from, but the jerks make you turn several pages to see all the exercises. While this is alright when reviewing what to do, when it comes to actually working out I HATE having to wait for pages to load to find out what to do next. So, sorry SparksPeople if this is copyright, but I need this for my own references:

There are some other good stretch sites out there, but these look like a good over-all coverage to me.

Now this is only half the key. The next half is strengthen, which I happen to be doing after a run anyway- I pick a body part that isn't killing me at the moment, then work on changing that. This includes strengthening inner and outer thighs, abs, gluts, calves- all those important parts of running.

Ok, I think I'm good now. Are you?

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