Monday, June 9, 2014

Fixating on flaws- Lower abs

Has it really been 5 weeks of working out successfully? 

Yeah, I guess it has. Go me!

Some days I don't care about it, I just do it.

Amazingly, since I started jogging outdoors, I haven't gotten that "Ugh, I don't want to" sensation. Such a strange, new world I live in.

Today's my day off, and I'm prepping for tomorrow. A jog to start, as that's become the one thing to motivate me, so I cannot lose it.

But I'm incorporating muscle strengthen and toning into my workouts now. Tomorrow's target is abs, so a quick hunt tonight to see what exercises specifically the wonderful internet has to offer.

In my search, I came across this:

And though "Huh, that looks like my belly".

It's another site reminding me that my lower belly is a problem. 

I have what I like to call Pasta Lover's Belly! Or so I've always assumed, since I once read an article that carbs in pasta can create that lower belly blob. I LOVE pasta, so I have come to embrace my blob.

But what if I just never targeted those muscles properly? Huh. Only 1 way to find out.

Tomorrow's focus will be mostly lower abs. Key moves I will be doing:

Balanced twist (only I use a 3lb weight as I don't own a med. ball)

Side leg drops (called Twisting Windmill here)

At repeat until I'm unable to move.

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