Monday, March 30, 2015

T25: failing due to feet

My husband is very cautious around me if he's coming downstairs while I'm working out. I typically do it without him around.

Why? Because I'm mortified about how I may look. 

Known the man 12+ years. There is no mystery to this body for him. I know this, but still I am too self conscious to let him watch me work out. About a year ago I tried to do it, and the moment he snickered at something- might not have even been me, might have been the DVD- I broke into tears, ran upstairs, and sobbed in a little ball on the floor of my walk-in closet for about 20 minutes before I could calm down and face him again. 

However, I will allow him in my space if he makes no sudden movements to turn and look at me. He can sit at his computer- which is next to the TV- without issues. Just do not turn that head, MR.

Saturday this occurred. As I started cursing up a storm he asked me- head still turned to the computer like a good husband- if I was OK. I told him "No, my feet are freaking killing me and I cannot get a good workout because of it." He admitted one of the reasons he's dropped frequent use of T25 is he has the same problem, too. Huh. So I googled it.

Hidden secret of T25: your feet will hurt! I am not alone.

Shawn T has you do a lot on your toes. His goal is to get your calves involved in the workout, but my calves aren't feeling a thing. From the balls of my feet into the heel are what are feeling it, and it's not a good kind of pain I can work through for long.

Some of the advice I'm reading is crap, though. Blog post after blog post: new shoes, foam mats to create better support, or - and this one made want to punch someone- maybe your weight has something to do with it. I just spend over $100 on a workout program and your solution is to spend another $100+ to be able to perform the workout program?! Er, no. 

The most solid piece of advice is what I'm sticking with: give it time. What I suspected is what is being stated- that the feet just aren't used to what they're suddenly being asked to do. Like every other part of the body, when muscles are engaged in new ways they're going to be a little resistant to change. 

So I'm going to take it easy I guess until the little feet muscles get with the program. I'll get 'em in the end.

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