Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Exercise Continues, The Diet... Not So Much

I continue 3 times a week minimum for working out (depending on how much I kicked my butt the workout prior). For the last 3 weeks, however, my diet has taken a bit of a hiatus. Cheese fries, Olive Garden, hot dogs... it's no surprise that I stepped on the scale & found one of the pounds I'd originally lost.

While any other time I might yell at myself for being so weak, I defend my actions this time.

1.) I am Not overweight, so the real need for losing weight is not there. If I yo-yo a bit on my weight, it's not health-concerning. Loss of weight is desired for better self image, not health.

2.) While I am seeking a better self image, more importantly I am seeking comfort food to get me through juggling my various projects. Right now getting through these next 2 college courses takes higher priority in my life than the few pounds. No wonder people often gain weight in college.

3.) SCREW YOU, IT'S MY BODY & I'LL EAT WHAT I WANT! - This is my favorite. :)

Sorry SparkPeople. I made it a few months, but damn it I'm tired of tracking everything I eat every day! It's only a few minutes, but what does it matter right now if I'm going over my max anyway? I'm just wasting time I could be using on other tasks.

I'm going to keep up with the exercising for now. I enjoy that it helps me to wake up in the mornings- I feel mentally more alert and sharp on days I've worked out. But I'm done with this calorie counting thing for now. If I lose weight- great. If not, oh well, I'll focus more on it when I have less projects & more free time.

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