Friday, October 31, 2014

Body Revolution: Week 1 (almost) done

I did it! I completed week 1 of body revolution! 

Well, sort of. I still have 1 more day of cardio to go. Today was my big fear, and I accomplished it!

Why fear today? Well, it was DVD 2. It says DVD 2 focuses on gluts, but what it should really say is "DVD 2 makes it impossible for you to walk the next few days". There really should be a big 'ole warning label on that dvd. 

For those not familiar, this program goes DVD 1, DVD 2, Cardio DVD, DVD 1, DVD 2, Cardio DVD, Day off. I think this program is meant for those who are already doing Shawn T's insanity programs and want a break, because those who are not working out regularly should not use this program.

3 days ago I completed DVD 2. Afterward my legs began to shake every time I stood up. I thought, "hm, this isn't a good sign," and damn if I wasn't right. Legs began to tighten, stiffen, and become sore as the day progrssed. Could barely walk most of Cardio Day. But I pulled through, I kept going. Today I woke up and thought, "Huh, only mild soreness. Ok, I can do this. Here we go again." 

I gave it all I could again today. Sure enough, I stepped out of the shower and- just standing there- my legs began shaking. Ut oh.

At least I know from a few days ago that keeping moving makes this stiffness and weakness feel better. It's when I stop that my muscles start to relax and tighten up. Cardio might be OK tomorrow, but what about everything else? How am I supposed to do my laundry? How am I supposed to clean my home?

I can only imagine it'll be worse this time around since my legs are not 100% from the workout a few days ago. Oh man, it's going to be a long program...

I'm still surviving, though, and, at 5 a.m. I even managed a smile. 

I'm just mildly exhausted and my legs are jello. Thank goodness my job is mostly sitting.

I will not let this beat me. It's only week 1. I will keep going! ...  I just may be in a wheel chair by the end of it. 

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