Thursday, June 12, 2014

Running Successes

My weight loss progress:

Now, my Running Progress:

And this is why I adore running. 

I gained 2 pounds this week.

I'm calling it muscle, because I'm not ready to accept the alternative. 

That painful alternative - which I refuse! NO NO NO!- is that I must give up my weekly intake of pasta. YOU WILL NOT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME, LIFE!!

Truly, I'm convinced the endorphins that are set off because of how wonderful pasta Alfredo - the worst of all sauces- makes me, it all evens out. It must. Because a life without alfredo, it's just not worth living. It's really not. 

Back to my point: it's muscle weight.

Still, it's not that encouraging. These kind of results are my normal setbacks that make me say f' this crap, and go back to enjoying being lazy on my couch. This whole plan is cutting into 40+ minutes of precious bonding between us, such a sacrifice!! Seriously, is it worth it?!

Now jogging has given me a different story.

I cut my 1st mile of jogging down by 2 minutes since beginning, going from 12.3 minutes a mile to 10.3 minutes a mile! 

Of course my 2nd mile has me hovering back in the 12 minute range, and I won't even talk about the embaressment that is my attempted 3rd mile... 

Let's stick with SUCCESS!

So I'm going to keep at it, despite the fact my body's not changing and my weight is.. ahem.. being annoying. I'll keep at it for the fact that hey, Somethings changing, and that can be everything for me.

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